
Layout: Like a knife.
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This blog is officially created on 17th April 2009. The reasons why I continued to blog is because of all of my friend's encouragements and supports. They were the one keep me going on. So, I will keep this blog alive.


Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery

Only you can make the difference.
Written on: Saturday, July 11, 2009
Time: 11:06 PM

She's only four yet she's suffering, so badly..
Only YOU can make a difference in her life!

Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!

Do click the nuffang advertisement on her blog too!

I just gave my words of encouragement for little Charmaine and her mom.

"Hello both to Charmaine and Charmaine's mom! Do not give up, please keep fighting!
No matter what, always encourage Charmaine to live life to the fullest. :) She has
yet a long way to go. She hasn't see the whole world yet so, Charmaine's mom,
please be strong,hang in there. :)

Click here and read about her condition.

Fight, little Charmaine!!!
